Accidents, Illness and Medication

It is my policy to keep children safe when they are in my care, promote good health and take necessary steps to prevent the spread of infection within my childcare setting and while I am off site.

I risk assess my premises to ensure it meets the safeguarding and welfare requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage.


Accidents to minded children, childminder’s own children, or the childminder

As a registered childminder, I am legally required to have a valid first-aid certificate before registration and to ensure that my first aid training is renewed every 3 years. I also ensure my assistant has a valid first-aid certificate and renews their training every 3 years.

I can administer basic first-aid treatment, and my first-aid box is clearly labeled and easily accessible. It is stored in the kitchen cupboard marked with a white cross on a green background. Parent contact numbers are kept securely within reach.

When off site I carry a small first aid bag and I carry parent contact numbers securely in here as well as on my mobile telephone.



If a child or myself has a confirmed disease or illness that spreads, children may not be able to attend in order to minimise the risk of infection.
If I am required to administer medicine the medication must be prescribed to the child by a doctor, dentist, nurse or pharmacist except for child liquid paracetamol (Calpol) or teething gel. The medicine must be in its original packaging and clearly labeled. I will store it safely and strictly in accordance with the product instructions – in a designated space in the kitchen cupboard or on the top shelf in the door of the fridge. I will keep a written record of all medicines when I receive them from a parent, I will record each time they are administered and I will obtain a parent’s signature when the child is collected.

I ensure all adults and children in my setting are aware of good hand-washing procedures, before eating or handling food and after using the toilet.

Each child will also have access to their own face flannel and towel, which will be washed at the end of each day or sooner if necessary.

I ensure there is a supply of tissues available for children.

I immediately clean up any spillage of body fluids using a disposable cloth.

I will ensure that any animals on the premises are safe to be around children and do not pose a health risk.


If there is an accident to a minded child or childminder’s own children:

  • First, I reassure the injured child while making sure that the other children in my care are safe. This may mean strapping a baby in a buggy or sitting an older child somewhere safe where I can see them, for example, next to the injured child on a bench.

  • Then, if the accident is a minor one and requires only basic first aid, I deal with it myself. If not, I will ring 999 from a mobile for help.
  • If I have to accompany or take a child to hospital, I either take the other children with me, or call my emergency back-up cover. This will be another registered childminder or known responsible adult. These people will be made known to parents at the settling-in visit.
  • If there is an accident, my emergency back-up cover may contact you and you will be expected to collect your child straight away.

If I manage to deal with the accident myself, then I will tell the affected child’s parents immediately and advise of any first aid treatment given.

If I accompany or take a child to hospital, I will contact the child’s parent and ask them to meet me at the hospital. If I or any of my own children have an accident, I will get the nearest responsible adult to help, while my emergency back-up people are being contacted.

I will do my best at all times to make sure the children in my care are safe, reassured and kept calm


Accidents off site:

I will carry parents’ contact details with me when I am away from my home, in order to follow procedures above should an accident occur off site.


Other emergencies:

Should any other emergency occur (such as a terrorist attack, or a member of my family becoming ill in my home) I will contact parents as soon as possible. I expect that parents will also contact me in the event of any accident or emergency which may befall them.

Should it not be possible for parents to contact me, then I will keep the children safe until such time as parents can make contact with me.



I will record all details in my accident book, and make these available for parents to sign and provide a copy for parents. If the incident is significant I will inform Ofsted, the local child protection agency as soon as is reasonably practicable but in any event within 14 days of the incident occurring.

Spreadable diseases

Your child is unable to attend if they are suffering from any of the following. My recommended minimum exclusion time is:

Chicken Pox

Until blisters are all crusted or skin has healed


Until infection has cleared (the child can be readmitted once prescribed antibiotic drops have been administered for a minimum of 24 hours)


48 hours after symptoms have cleared

German Measles/Rubella

9 days or as advised by your GP Minimum of 5 days after rash appears

Hand, Foot and Mouth

7 days, when blisters have disappeared

Head Lice

When treatment has been carried out successfully


Until spots have healed, following treatment of at least 5 days


5 days after onset of rash


9 days (after the swelling has appeared)


When treatment has commenced


48 hours from last episode of diarrhoea or vomiting


Until after the treatment has been completed

Scarlet Fever

At least 5 days (once antibiotics commenced)


Until temperature is normal for 24 hours or on the advise of a doctor


When treatment has commenced


48 hours after symptoms have cleared

Whooping Cough

28 days

Coughs and colds do not normally require exclusion unless they are severe or the child is distressed. Please note this list is not exhaustive and our healthcare guide will guide us. Please seek medical advice if you are unsure or concerned.

If a child falls ill while they are in my care or if one of my children or myself fall ill I will contact the parents and ask them to collect their child(ren).

If an illness does occur I will do my upmost to prevent the risk of infection by taking extra precautions with hygiene, such as additional sanitisation of toys and equipment.

In accordance with the contract agreed with parents I expect to be paid for the child’s place even if they are excluded from my setting due to an illness or infectious disease. Any deductions will be made the following month.

If I, or one of the members of my family, has a confirmed infectious disease, I will inform parents as soon as I am able. If I am not able to offer my childminding service I do not charge parents for the time the service is unavailable, as agreed in the contract.

I will inform the parents of the other children in my setting if a child I care for has a diagnosed infectious disease.

If I have a child in my care with long-term medical needs then I will ensure that I and any co-workers have sufficient information about the child’s medical condition and will work in partnership with parents and any other health professionals to assist the administration of any prescribed medication and the management of any other health needs such as a gastrostomy tube.

I will apply sun cream to children to provide the necessary protection when outdoors in warmer weather, but I request that the sun cream is provided by the child’s parents to ensure they are not allergic to any of the ingredients in the sun cream.