I expect parents to keep private and confidential any sensitive information they may accidentally learn about my family, setting or the other children and families attending, unless it is a child protection issue.
I will keep all paper-based records on children and their families securely locked away in a locked document box. I will not share any information with anyone without your consent. I am expected to share information with other childcare providers if your child also attends another setting.
Ofsted may require to see my records at any time.
Parents have the right to inspect all records about their child at any time.
I record all accidents in an accident book.
I will inform Ofsted, Haringey LSCB of any significant injuries, accidents or deaths as soon as possible.
I record all significant incidents in an incident book and I will share these with parents so that together we can work to resolve any issues.
If I keep records relating to individual children on my computer I will ask for the parent’s permission. I will store the information securely, for example, in password-protected files, to prevent viewing of the information by others with access to the computer. Backup files will be stored on a memory stick which I will lock away when not being used.
I will only share information if it is in a child’s best interests to do so. For example. in a medical emergency I will share medical information with a healthcare professional. If I am worried about a child’s welfare I have a duty of care to follow the Local Safeguarding Children Board procedures and make a referral. Where possible I will discuss concerns with you before making a referral.