I make sure that I actively include all children and their families.
I provide a range of challenging and enjoyable opportunities for each child to learn and develop to their full potential, taking into account age and stage of development, gender, ethnicity, religion, home language, and ability.
I provide, and make sure that all children have access to, a range of books, toys and other resources which reflect positive images and examples of the diversity of life in our society.
I will work closely with parents and other agencies where appropriate to ensure individual children’s needs are met.
I will ensure that my business policies and documents are accessible to all.
I will promote self esteem and appreciation of others by celebrating the differences which make us all unique.
I will regularly review my risk assessments to ensure accessibility and reasonable adjustments are made.
I challenge racist and other discriminatory remarks, attitudes and behavior from all children and adults with whom I have contact.
I am aware of all legislation and existing codes of practice produced by the Equality and Human Rights Commission, the Equality Act 2010 and the Children and Families Act 2014. If I am delivering 2-, 3- and 4-year-old Free Early Education and Care I will give the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice due regard.
I will be proactive in providing the care to all children regardless of their individual needs, and consider reasonable adjustments to equipment and routines where necessary.
I am happy to give medication but where this requires medical or technical knowledge I must have training by a healthcare professional before administering this.
I will regularly review, monitor and evaluate my practice and keep up to date by attending relevant training.
This policy supports the following requirements and standards:
Meeting the Early Years Foundation Stage Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements.