Accidents, Illness and Medication

It is my policy to keep children safe when they are in my care, promote good health and take necessary steps to prevent the spread of infection within my childcare setting and while I am off site.

I risk assess my premises to ensure it meets the safeguarding and welfare requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage.

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Behavior Management

We believe that it is essential to work together with parents /careers on behavior issues.

There are few ways of working with difficult behavior:

Creating a calm, caring environment where children are treated with respect. We are polite and speak nicely to each other- we say Thank You/Please/Sorry.

Providing structure within this environment where the children can be free to choose and experiment. Continue Reading →

British values

An effective way to help children resist extremist views is to teach them to think critically and become independent learners, which is fundamental to the Characteristics of Effective Learning and Teaching embedded in the EYFS. Continue Reading →


As a registered childminder I aim to work in close partnership with all parents to meet the needs of their children. Maintaining good communication between both parties will aid this. I expect that parents will immediately bring to my attention any aspect of my service they are not happy with so that every effort can be made to resolve the matter. Parents can make a complaint to me verbally, or in writing. Continue Reading →


I expect parents to keep private and confidential any sensitive information they may accidentally learn about my family, setting or the other children and families attending, unless it is a child protection issue. Continue Reading →

Emergency and evacuation procedure

In the event of an emergency I will gather all the children and safely make our way to the front door, which provides easy access to the street. Once we are safely away from the house I will call the Emergency Services. In the event that we can’t get safely out of the house I will take the children to the furthest away room from the emergency, close all doors and seal the door with towels or similar items, and I will then call the Emergency Services. Continue Reading →

First Day

Mama i Malysh Settling in Policy

Introduction: For most children, starting nursery is their first separation from their main carer as a result we recognise that ‘parents are a child’s first and most enduring educators’ (Early Years Foundation Stage – Positive Relationships/Parents as Partners). Starting in a new setting is a major event in a child’s life and this time of transition can be stressful for both children and parents. To ensure that both children and parents feel supported as they work towards feeling at ease in their new setting, we seek to ensure a smooth transition by working in close partnership with parents. We believe that it is important for us to take time to get to know the children, their parents and their home environment. Continue Reading →

Food & Drink

It is my policy to provide children with healthy, balanced and nutritious meals, snacks and drinks.

Those responsible for the preparation and handling of food will be competent to do so. Continue Reading →

Inclusion Policy (Equal Opportunities)

I make sure that I actively include all children and their families.

I provide a range of challenging and enjoyable opportunities for each child to learn and develop to their full potential, taking into account age and stage of development, gender, ethnicity, religion, home language, and ability. Continue Reading →